Meet the Members of CCCRU

The mastermind behind CCCRU. A satirist challenging online politics, identity, and extremism through surreal, meta-ironic video art.

Art Chad
A cultural commentator covering both museums and internet culture, fighting against finance capitalism and elitism.

Hallie Tut
Visual art creator, drink quality assurance and something about "hauntological magic with the disenchanted social media landscape"

Jane Gatsby
A techno-libertarian with Dark Enlightenment leanings, exploring the boundaries of freedom and technology.

An incisive YouTuber delving into leftist politics, philosophy, and political theory for the 21st century.

We're in Hell
A YouTube creator exploring dark political satire and commentary on our fractured digital society.

Ben from Canada
Cultural and film commentator merging high and low culture through deep media analysis.

Duncan Clarke
A sharp film critic reflecting on contemporary cinema, culture, and their impact on society.

A meta-commentator on YouTube politics and the evolving nature of digital discourse.

Not much is known of Dan, he does cleaning and computers, he has a mug and comes in from above

CCCRU freelance viditor,
sleeps under floor boards,
runs the minecraft,
hates on fatties
Friends of CCCRU
Rivals of CCCRU
Mentors of CCCRU
Inspirations of CCCRU

Nick Land and CCRU
The original CCRU and its cybernetic theories continue to inspire.

Marshall McLuhan
"The medium is the message" – one of CCCRU's core philosophical influences.

Church of the SubGenius
A countercultural movement blending absurdism and subversion.

Mark Fisher
"Capitalist Realism" and critiques of late-stage capitalism.

Gilles Deleuze
Philosopher of difference, deterritorialization, and the rhizome.

Félix Guattari
Radical psychoanalysis, schizoanalysis, and co-author of *Anti-Oedipus*.

Louis Althusser
Structural Marxist and theorist of ideology and interpellation.

Jacques Lacan
Influential psychoanalyst of the Symbolic, Imaginary, and Real.

Joe Rogan
Podcaster, cultural commentator, and platform for diverse perspectives.
CCCRU Fanatics
CCCRU Cyberpriests
Projects of CCCRU
CCCRU Lieux de Congrégation

A locally hosted voice platform for CCCRU members.

A decentralized chat platform for anonymous and pseudonymous discussion.

Federated microblogging for CCCRU members and patrons.

A self-hosted streaming platform for live events and discussions.

Horseshoe Theory Podcast
A CCCRU-produced podcast exploring the overlap of extremes in culture and politics.